Tariq Gujjar
Tariq Gujjar is an amazing poet of Punjab, Punjabi and Punjabi nationalism. He is the real son of the soil. Absolved from the limits of cast, creed, religion and petty vested interests, he feels the pain and sufferings of all Punjabis. In this era, when Punjab is suffering from the identity crisis and due to imperialism of foreign languages like Hindi and English, his poetry and his personality is a tower of strength for all Punjabis.
Tariq Gujjar was born in 1969 in Dijkot district Layallpur. His paternal family belonged to Thathlañ district Hushiarpur and his maternal family hailed from Tibbiañ 'Bashohi zail district Hushiarpur. in 1947 his ancestors like many other Punjabis were forcefully displaced due to ethnic cleansing in the name of religion. The stories of 1947's holocaust profoundly battered his mind.
In 1983, his family, once again migrated. This time from Lyallpur to Layyah. This second migration revolutionized his life. He saw this migration with spectacles of 1947's migration. He underwent the identity crisis himself. This way, he realized and felt the sufferings of our elders when they were evacuated from their homes forcefully.
Great Punjabi writer Amrita Pritam termed his poetry as the new dawn of Punjabi poetry.
Long Live Big Bha g.